Cloud ‘Education for Sustainability’ opgericht

Onderwijsonderzoek richt zich in toenemende mate op het leren bijdragen aan duurzame ontwikkeling. In de European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) is er nu een Cloud (thematische groep) opgericht die zich daarop richt, de Cloud ‘Education for Sustainability’. Stella van der Wal-Maris, lector Onderwijs & Sociaal Ondernemerschap, is een van de Cloud coördinatoren. Text continues in English.
Stella: "I am very glad and grateful that the board of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) has decided positive on our request to establish a new Cloud (Special Interest Group) addressing education for sustainability within the association. The Cloud ‘Education for Sustainability’ will provide opportunities for networking, sharing research and practices and discussion among practitioners and practitioner researchers who are interested and specialized in education for sustainability."
Dr. Benjamin Mallon from Dublin College University (Ireland) and Dr. Stella van der Wal-Maris from the Marnix Academie (the Netherlands) will be the Cloud coordinators.
Interested in joining the Cloud? See pdf.